Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Jungle Chapters 23-26 Response

Chapters 23-26 were okay, a little up and down. The reading starts with Jurgis moving back to Chicago. I wondered why he went back to Chicago because it is a living heck in that city. After that, he finds a job digging underground tunnels. While at this job, Jurgis doesn’t think ahead and ends up spending most of his money on alcohol. That just didn’t make sense to me because I thought Jurgis would of learned his lesson on spending money, after the situation in the previous chapter. Then, Jurgis got injured on the job, which was no surprise to me because he has injured himself on some of his best jobs. He ends up spending Christmas in the hospital. I felt bad for him because I would really not like being in the hospital on all days other than Christmas. He is ushered out onto the streets and has to fight other bums to get a place to sleep. But a once in a lifetime event occurred, Jurgis met Freddie Jones, the son of Jones the packer! Freddie actually took him home for a huge feast, even though Hamilton the butler didn’t approve. I thought it was amazing how he had such a coincidence to meet a rich man and get to eat rich food. Jones gave Jurgis a $100 bill to pay the taxi driver and to keep the change for himself, but can’t get change. He goes to a saloon to try it anyway. When Jurgis pays for his drink with the 100 dollar bill, the bartender gives him 95 cents, and Jurgis beats the bartender for cheating him. He goes to jail for 10 days plus costs. I thought it was cool how Jones gave him a 100 dollar bill, that just shows how rich the people of this time period were. Jurgis meets Jack Duane, a part of the criminal underground in Chicago. Jurgis joins and becomes wealthier than he ever did. Other than that, I thought that the chapters were great for Jurgis, and not so great either.


  1. You did a good job of summerzing what occurred as well as including your opinion. It is interesting to see what is going on in your mind when you are reading this book.

    I like the Porche!


  2. Nickels,

    Nice response it was crystal clearrrrr..... Great work haha and keep it up

  3. omg i know that was tight how that man gave him a hundred dollar bil!! yuh summerized it good:]] keep that blogging up!
