I thought this was the best chapter for Douglass. At first, Douglass is still in Baltimore working for Master Hugh. I learned that he sometimes would give some money back to Douglass. I would be livid because I worked hard for my pay, and in reality, only get back 5 or 10 cents! I would be a little relieved since I got some money back. However, this just made Douglass more lonesome for freedom. Douglass asked for some freedom from Master Hugh, to start his own business. I thought it was a good idea, Master Hugh agreed, but under one condition, Douglass would have to pay 3 dollars on Friday of every week.I thought that it was reasonable, just 3 dollars for freedom. After this, he left for a conference and came home to an angry Master Hugh. He said that he needed to ask permission to go out on his payday. I thought this was stupid since because he gave him freedom, and couldn't wait one minute later to get his pay. After this, Douglass protested against Master Hugh, and didn't work for an entire week. Hugh warned Douglass of what would happen next. I thought this was good for Douglass since he can exercise his rights. I then thought of the consequence, and thought it would be a good idea to leave the home and work. The next week, he pocketed almost 9 dollars. The next week, almost 10 dollars, and Master Hugh acknowledged that and gave him 25 cents, larger than usual. I thought that Douglass was now being appreciated for what he did. On 9-3-1838, Douglass ran away and succeeded. He didn't know what to do in NY, and was picked up by a Mr.Ruggles, who gave him shelter, and a home. He also got married at this place. I liked Mr. Ruggles's character since he housed a number of Negros. Douglas moved to New Bedford, with his wife. I thought it was nice for him to be free, and protest his rights as a free American. He attended anti-slavery conferences, and that is where he became one of the most powerful voices against slavery. I liked this because he lived in heck for all of his life, and finally goes against the people who detained him for so much of his life. Overall, I loved this chapter compared to all other chapters.
Why did Douglass call the Underground railroad the upper-ground railroad?
Why did Douglass trust no one, even though he is in a free state?
I hate how some people take every dime that someone makes.
I disliked how Douglass didn't go into detail about how he ran away.