Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chapter 20-23 Reaction

Chapters 20-23 were way better than all chapters before, in my opinion. It starts off horrible. Jurgis is blacklisted from all factories in Packingtown but goes into downtown to find a real job. The family is only surviving on the children’s salaries. I thought it was interesting how the family was only surviving on a very little salary. Jurgis looks for a job for many days, and finds one at a farming machine factory. I thought he had serious determination to look for that long.  After that moment, thing become much better because a rich woman find out about the families situation. She actually helps out Jurgis with a job, after the farm machine manufacturing factory closes, and works at a steel mill. I first thought that it was so pointless to get a job for a couple weeks and lose it. However, that rich lady helped him out and got him a new job, that made me happy for Jurgis. Later in the chapter, he comes home after a hard week and finds that his son died when playing on the sidewalk. I thought it was a travesty for Jurgis, for Antannas was the only real ray of sunshine for Jurgis. After that, Jurgis runs away to the countryside to find work. I tought it was good for Jurgis to get out of the city and recharge his batteries. Eventually, he builds up a huge sum of money. I was happy for him, but was horrified about how he spent it all. He blew it all one night on alcohol and women.


  1. Josh I like how you got into the story of and yes i think it was cool to jurgis goes to find a new job downtown that was cool to me and it seem the same to you to and i think it was cool he finds the job at the farm that was so cool.

  2. Josh,

    Good job on the response i agree that the beginning was horrible as you put it. Great work!

  3. Josh,

    I really liked your blog you did a good job at the points in the section. My opion you could have used just a little more detail other than that it is a solid blog.
