Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chapter 29 and 30 The Jungle

Chapters 29 and 30 were good; Jurgis finally finds people who knows what has happened to him. I thought that was the ah ha moment of the book. Jurgis meets the speaker after the meeting and talks with him. Jurgis is then directed to Ostrinski, a Polish man who speaks Lithuanian. I thought that this was Jurgis's major step into socialism. Ostrinski explains the there are 2 groups of society, the small capitalistic class; Then there is the large working class. I really agreed with what he said because that explains why Jurgis never got a job after his incidents with jail and him fighting just to get sleep. I thought it was cool how Jurgis went to see Teta and contribute to the family. I also liked how Teta decided to come to socialist meetings every now and then. Later in chapter 30, Jurgis finds a job at a motel, as a porter. As it turns out, Jurgis's new boss, Tommy Hinds is one of the states organizers for the party. I thought it was cool how they are from the same party, and I believe that Jurgis will have his job there as long as he is a socialist. I thought it was interesting how the author kind of steeped out to tell more about the evils of capitalism. I kind of liked Jurgis's enthusiasim toward his new party, but I also think it's funny how he gets angry how he can't get people to become socialist. Overall, this was the chapter that was the turning point in the book toward capitalism being abolished.


  1. I like what you did with your blog today. I think you could have explained the last sentence more. Otherwise, great writing.


  2. Nickels,

    Great to see that your finally back to school haha but in other news you did real great on your reaction like always and thats really awesome! Great job and keep it up!
