Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby was really exciting! I just thought it was weird how Gatsby called off all of his parties. I also thought that it was an overreaction to fire all his servants and hire those shady characters connected to Meyer Wolfshiem. On the hottest day of the summer, Nick drove to Daisy and Tom’s house for lunch and was surprised to find Gatsby and Jordan there. I really thought it was weird how Daisy seemed to not care about the baby girl. Later, Daisy asks Gatsby if he wants to go to the city. Tom actually finds that they like each other and decides to go to New York. I just don’t really understand why they had to stop at Wilson’s garage instead of any other place along the highway. Once in NY, the group decides to go to a hotel and rent a suite. There Tom confronts Gatsby and accused Gatsby of running a bootlegging operation and not going to Oxford. Gatsby responded that he isn’t involved with bootlegging and that he went for 5 months. I couldn’t believe when Nick remembered that it was his birthday; I mean who forgets their birthday? I also thought that it didn’t make sense how Tom sent Daisy back with Gatsby. When Tom and everyone else head back home, they come to a fatal accident that killed Myrtle. I just thought it was a coincidence that a yellow coupe hit the car. There are tons of yellow coupes that are around anymore. Overall, I thought this chapter was the most exciting chapter, and this chapter is probably going to lead to something way worse.

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